Public CVS and Mercurial Access

Access V4L-DVB via web browser

V4L/DVB tree is available via

It is also possible to get a tarball of the latest version by using the following procedure:

  1. Open on your favorite browser;
  2. go to Tips line and click on it;
  3. It will open a view of current tags. Click on manifest at the tip line;
  4. A tree graph will be showed. You will see near the top an option to get a or . Click on one of these and you will receive a tarball with the latest version.

Checkout V4L-DVB

Starting from 2006-01-30, V4L and DVB kernel modules are available via Mercurial.

To get the latest sources from Mercurial, you need:

  1. To install mercurial.
    some distros already have it. If not available, you can download a binary version or retrieve a source file.
  2. hg clone

Checkout old V4L/DVB CVS tree

cvs -d login
(use an empty password)

cvs -z3 -d co -P v4l-dvb

Checkout old DVB CVS tree or other DVB CVS modules

As CVS is mostly used by developers it tracks the latest -rc kernel and may not compile with older kernels, not even with the last stable release. We provide a patchset for the latest stable kernel in the download area.

To get the latest sources from CVS you need to issue the following commands:

cvs -d login
(use an empty password)

cvs -z3 -d co -P dvb-kernel
(use any other module you are interested in instead of dvb-kernel, you can check with viewcvs which modules exist)

If you want to check out the current drivers for the 2.4 kernel, please use: cvs -z3 -d co -P -rlinux_2_4 dvb-kernel
(use any other module you are interested in instead of dvb-kernel)

Checkout old video4linux CVS tree

This is similar to DVB but uses a different CVSROOT:

cvs -d login

cvs -d co -P v4l-kernel


You can later update your sources by running:

cvs -z3 up -dP

Browse the CVS Repository Online

You can browse the files in the CVS repository with viewcvs. You can also download on-the-fly generated tarballs, but please use this feature sparingly as it puts a high load on the machine. If you find yourself downloading the newest sources regularly you should consider using anon-cvs access, as described above.

To browse the video4linux CVS select the "v4l" tree in the upper right of the viewcvs page, or use the link below.

viewcvs DVB

viewcvs video4linux