Mailing Lists

WARNING: Work in progress...

We've changed the mailing list software from Ecartis to Mailman, and not everything went as smoothly as we would have liked it. At the moment there are thousends of undelivered messages in the queue, mostly due to the delay of DNS MX change propagation. We will activate the mailman interface for subscription and archive access whe things have settled down a bit (in a day or two).

Unfortunately, the old mhonarc list archives cannot be integrated into the mailman archive, but will be integrated here seperately soon.

In order to contribute to the development, you can subscribe to one of these mailinglists.
Note: The list archives are not available on at the moment. You might find archives for some of the lists elsewhere on the net, e.g. on or

Linux DVB mailinglist

DVB driver and DVB API development.

VDR mailinglist

About Klaus Schmidinger's Video Disk Recorder VDR and other tools to receive, convert and stream DVB.

linuxtv-softmpeg mailing list

Discussion about development of the ffmpeg/libavcodec based software MPEG decoder library libsoftmpeg. Libsoftmepg uses the DirectFB and FusionSound libraries for video and audio rendering, and includes an experimental VDR plugin.

Linux DVD mailinglist

About DVD for Linux.

MPEG2 encoder mailing list

About the driver for the Kfir MPEG2 encoder board.