
Linuxtv Downloads

Contents of the downloads section:

camorama/Tarballs with the latest Camorama releases
drivers/Tarballs with the latest drivers from linux-media.git
dtv-scan-tables/DTV scan tables
firmware/firmware binary for some cards
git_tools/Some tools useful for developers using the git tree
kaffeine/Kaffeine releases
legacy/Old stuff
presentations/Some presentations done at the community events
sphinx-1.2.3/Sphinx 1.2.3 documentation that should be used for the media subsystem on Kernel
tvtime/Tarballs for tvtime
v4l-dvb-apis-new/The current version of V4L, DVB and Remote Controller API's
v4l-utils/Tarballs for the V4L utils
xawtv/Xawtv tarballs
zbar/ZBar tarballs

You can find a list of supported cards in the LinuxTV Wiki. Note, however, that the list in the Wiki only applies to the drivers in the latest upstream kernel.

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