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Re: Compile DVB under 2.4.0test2-ac2? -> play DVD?

Ralph Metzler wrote:

> You can always just use the version of videodev.c which comes with your kernel.

Great, I have just make videodev.c a symbolic link to the one from the kernel, and
it compiled really great, many thanks :-)

So I have first loaded xawtv (which load the bttv stuff cause /etc/conf.modules), and
as I have my Hauppauge DVB-s connected on the composite entry of the Hauppauge WinTV,
as I make insmod, I could see nice colors in xawtv (I still don't have my LNB connected
to the card...), and then the screen turn to black.

I have tried many way to play my DVD with the DVB-s card, but I don't manage it ;-((
The problems is that xawtv use /dev/video1 and the I also have to > /dev/video1 for
the DVD playing (I received a lots of useful information from Matjaz Thaler on how
one could play DVD, just for information, I give yon a part of the mail:

No, you have to convert vob files to pva format.
This is possible with:
mpg2mpg - it comes with drivers
or you can use ps2avps from:
Run it:
  -f2 xxx.vob /dev/video
cat xxx.vob | ps2avpes > /dev/video

> I will try that this evening... And any way to play the
> sound with ac3dec from livid?

extract_ac3 xxx.vob | ac3dec
extract_ac3 is in ../ac3dec/tools/ directory.

> Or have you a better way?

I patched mpg2mpg and I attached this file.
The code is experimental, you can test it:
cat xxx.vob | ps2avpes | ac3dec
You can synchronize sound and video with bufSize
in ps2avpes.c.

For playback from DVD use css-cat instead of
css-cat -v1P /dvd/video_ts/vts_01_1.vob | ps2avpes | ac3dec


I don't give here the attached files, because I don't have asked Matjaz Thaler if he agree with
me to give it, and also because it's not so small and don't interest the whole mailing list.)

Any idea on how I could do the tricks?

Many thanks,

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