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Re: recording glitches ... again

At 21:17 04.10.00 +0200, you wrote:
>MK wrote:
> > actually there's problems: in spite of correct playback with VDR, ALL demux
> > or cut tools i've tried (windoze or linux) do choke at some point of the
> > recorded AVPES streams: this does makes life difficult for
> > editing/cutting/burning on CDR). Life will probably be better with
> > all-mpeg2 PS recordings, but how do I deal with the already recorded stuff?
>Convert it to MPEG2.
>Foe windoze, there is the Techonotrend program that does this.

mostly worx but I'm stuck with several takes it doesn't like at all. am 
quite perplex as what to do with 'em.

>For Linux, I believe that DVB/apps/gVideo/av_pes2any contains
>something that looks like such a converter.

tried too. like the demux code, It's extremely picky about errors. Most of 
the time it fails. Again: tools that work on "production level" streams 
appear to fail on broadcast because they are not enough "error-resilient". 
I figure that's a difficult part to deal with in code.

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