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[linux-dvb] Re: [Massimiliano Perantoni <>] Re: Re: Want some more problems? (Was :Re: Re: Tuning/Decoder Problem with version 0.9)

Massimiliano Perantoni wrote:
> Well, it looks as if when I use such drivers, sometimes the driver
> dresets the ARM (what's that?), and goes well, some other times it
> resets it several times, but the dvb.o module seems not to care that the
> program closed (i kill gVideo or what I use) is just ONE, but thinks I'm
> closing from 13 to 26 programs and brings the module usage counter to
> -13 to -24: this thing obviously makes me reset the machine,

I also had similar problems: the driver went into an ARM reset loop
after a few hours of use and if you left it in that state long enough
it brought the entire system down. My (ugly) workaround was to change
VDR so it would end itself every 30 minutes and put a shell script 
around the VDR call that reloads the driver and restarts vdr in a loop.

That "solved" many driver problems (not only the one described above,
but also the one where the OSD changes its colors randomly) until I
implemented the mp3 play list feature for VDR. After replaying an Mp3
play list and then switching the tv channel, the driver would immediately
go into the ARM reset loop. That one has apparently been fixed by the
latest CVS version of the 0.8.2 branch. So, except for the broken
multiplexing, I am happy now with the latest 0.8.2 driver. Give it a try!


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