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[linux-dvb] Re: AW: VDR 0.80pre8, current CVS OSD problems

Klaus Schmidinger writes:
 > Ralph Metzler wrote:
 > > 
 > > Klaus Schmidinger writes:
 > >  > > What about deleting the OSDText-ioctl and all the memory (assumingly) used
 > >  > > by character tables or similar things. This function is not used by VDR, and
 > >  > > is not very useful at all (mainly because it's slow and impossible to get an
 > >  > > information where the cursor is after written something to the screen).
 > >  >
 > >  > I don't know the internals of these, but I would assume that the text fonts
 > >  > are not stored in RAM. But in case they are: I'd also like to see them dropped ;-)
 > >  > VDR doesn't need them at all.
 > >  >
 > > 
 > > The fonts are stored in DRAM. The OSD, MPEG2 decoder and the video
 > > buffer have to be in SDRAM.
 > > Most of the 2MB SDRAM is used by the MPEG2 decoder for decoded pictures
 > > and other data (like buffering B-frames).
 > > The rest is needed for the video and audio buffer.
 > > OSD normally goes into the optional extra 2MB SDRAM, which is not
 > > present on this card.
 > Is there a card out there that actually _has_ this additional memory?
 > I wouldn't mind buying such a card, if that would solve this problem once 
 > and for all.

I don't think there is a version of the DVB card with more memory
but there are set-top-boxes with the AV7110 with more SDRAM.

E.g. my Nokia MM9800:

                  Processor 32 bitars RISC
                  RAM minne 4 Mbytes
                  SDRAM 4 Mbytes (för video/grafik)
                  Flashminne 4 Mbytes
                  Display 720x576
                  Färger 256


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