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[linux-dvb] DTV Controlling


I installed DTV 1.1.2 and I think it works.
I make these settings in the file dtv.conf for 

one DVB-card        set outdev0 [open_output DVBS 0]
all processors        
channel lists        source available_channels.dcl
                            source channel_list.dcl
                            add_channel_list -all $channel_list
input                    set indev2 [open_input KEYBOARD]
keys                    set lircd_table_0 {
                           { {Up rem1}     "+" } { {Down rem1} "-" } { {Menu rem1}  "a" }
                           { {Ok rem1}     "o" } { {Red rem1}  "r" } { {Green rem1} "g" }
                           { {Yellow rem1} "y" } { {Blue rem1} "b" } { {0 rem1}     "0" }
                           { {1 rem1}      "1" } { {2 rem1}    "2" } { {3 rem1}     "3" }
                           { {4 rem1}      "4" } { {5 rem1}    "5" } { {6 rem1}     "6" }
                           { {7 rem1}      "7" } { {8 rem1}    "8" } { {9 rem1}     "9" }
                            add_implication $outdev0 $indev2 $lircd_table_0

global options        set_osd_language -all GERMAN

If I start DTV ZDF appears on TV and some EPG-Data
but I can't use the keyboard to change something

Does anyone have an answer?



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