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[linux-dvb] Antwort: Re: ppv and VDR


check the cinedoms if they look like this.

Btw you cannoz use the DTV generated cinedome settings for VDR because DTV
just detects the "control channle" for the NVOD and dynamicaly shows the
right Cinedome channel.


:-- Cinedoms --
CINEDOM DELUXE:11758:H:0:27500:255:256:8191:1:189
CINEDOM 1a:11758:H:0:27500:511:512:8191:1:190
CINEDOM 1b:12070:H:0:27500:1535:1536:8191:1:178
CINEDOM 1c:11720:H:0:27500:511:512:8191:1:180
CINEDOM 1d:11720:H:0:27500:1535:1536:8191:1:176
CINEDOM 2a:11758:H:0:27500:1023:1024:8191:1:193
CINEDOM 2b:11720:H:0:27500:1279:1280:8191:1:183
CINEDOM 2c:12070:H:0:27500:1791:1792:8191:1:179
CINEDOM 2d:12070:H:0:27500:511:512:8191:1:184
CINEDOM 2e:12070:H:0:27500:1279:1280:8191:1:188
CINEDOM 3a:11758:H:0:27500:2559:2560:8191:1:192
CINEDOM 3b:11758:H:0:27500:1535:1536:8191:1:195
CINEDOM 3c:12070:H:0:27500:767:768:8191:1:185
CINEDOM 3d:11720:H:0:27500:1023:1024:8191:1:182
CINEDOM 4a:11758:H:0:27500:767:768:8191:1:191
CINEDOM 4b:11720:H:0:27500:767:768:8191:1:181
CINEDOM 4c:12070:H:0:27500:2047:2048:8191:1:187
CINEDOM 5a:11758:H:0:27500:1279:1280:8191:1:194
CINEDOM 5b:11720:H:0:27500:1791:1792:8191:1:177
CINEDOM 5c:12070:H:0:27500:1023:1024:8191:1:186

                    Jagoditsch"               An:     "Thomas Jagoditsch" <>, "Henning Holtschneider"        
                    <>             <>                                                    
                    Gesendet von:             Kopie:  <>                                           
                    linux-dvb-bounce@l        Thema:  [linux-dvb] Re: ppv and VDR                                       
                    13.07.2001 09:43                                                                                    

On 12 Jul 2001, at 18:32, Henning Holtschneider wrote:

> > i have problems using ppv channels (like c*ned*m etc...) with vdr.
> > dtv can tune them without problems but vdr shows only a black
> > screen.
> You didn't mention which CI module you are using. If you don't have an
> Irdeto Allcam, then the problem is most likely that the current DVB
> driver doesn't work with many CI modules. The driver developers know
> about that but they told me that there are currently more important
> things to be fixed, so we will just have to wait a while ...

sorry, ive got that bl**dy expensive *g* irdeto 4.7se cause
alphacrypt (tried that) didnt work (known problems with the firmware).

and DTV works well - so the driver couldnt be the problem as i c it


thomas jagoditsch

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