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[linux-dvb] Re: how to create an divx out of a mpeg2 recorded by vdr?

 >. i wanted
 >them to 640x480 (4:3).

 >they were made by vdr2divx using MEncode. How to tell MEncode to create
 >sized Movies?
 for latest mencoder you could use the option -vop scale=640:480
 but why do you want that? the quality of the encoding would suffer from
 scaling the movie to a bigger x.resolution. you better let the player scale
 the move when playing it.
 if you replay the the movie by mplayer over dvb, its always better if the
 resolution is unchanged for the divx.

 This stupid sizes depend on the channel from which you recorded the movie.
 recording from a primiere direkt channel is 704x576 for example. its a
 matter of bandwidth the channel uses.


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