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[linux-dvb] Re: Nexus remote control

Dariush Forouher wrote:
> Am Sam, 2002-06-29 um 00.37 schrieb Rami Räsänen:
>>My tv remote control conflicts with Hauppage remote control, so I tried to
>>change its code by soldering some jumpers inside the remote. Code
>>changed, but the Linux dvb driver doesn't receive anything when i press a
>>button from the rc (nothing appears to syslog).
>>Is it possible to use other than the original remote control with
>>Hauppauge Nexus DVB-S rev 2.1 card? I noticed that there are no filter in
>>dvb driver for the ir codes. Is it done in the arm code?
> You can use any remote control that uses the rc-5 protocol.
> But that will probably send the same codes as the hauppauge one.

When you use the NEWSTRUCT branch you can use RCMM remote controles as 
well -- but be warned, this code is still under development and needs 
more work. I hope to get this finished next days.

We won't supply a lirc driver anymore but a driver for the 
/dev/input/eventX device. Vojtech Pavlok, the maintainer of the input 
core driver promised me to accept the addition of remote control key 
defines into the mainstream linux/input.h file, so things should get 
much easier and require less configuration.

You will need a RCMM capable IR receiver if you want to use this 
feature, the 1136 can be soldered directly on the cable you plug in your 
  DVB card, you don't need an external inverter.

For rev2.1 DVB card a TSOP1136 IR-receiver has to be conntected like this:

card connector:

    Base -- GND
    Ring -- Signal
    Tip  -- VCC

TSOP 1136:

    |         |-- Signal
    |         |
    |         |-- VCC
    |         |-- GND

The RC5/RCMM and inverted/non-inverted signal configuration you setup by 
the ir_config module parameter when loading av7110.o. The remote control 
events fall out /dev/input/eventX. The public DirectFB CVS contains an 
input driver for this device, but this still needs much more work...

have fun while playing, don't expect mature code for now,
good luck,


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