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[linux-dvb] Patches for VDR/DVB-Driver on SuSE 8.0


it took a little bit debugging, but I think I found the problem with the
siemens_dvb-0.9.4 and the SuSE 8.0. SuSE included some definitions which
ends up in the leak of the symbol "kmap_pagetable" in the module saa7146_core.

It needes a simple include in line 33 for compiling it with SuSE 8.0:
  #include <linux/highmem.h>

I packed two patches as solution for this problem, one for the siemens_dvb
0.9.4 and one for VDR 1.0.4. You'll say it's a bit overdone, and probably you
are right.

To allow a general including of the patch into the driver and vdr sources I
used the definition "SUSE80" in the module source for including the highmem.h.
Additionaly, I put a definition "SUSE80" into the Makefile so you can compile
the driver without editing the Makefile using:
  make insmod SUSE80=1
or simply
  make SUSE80=1

As the last thing, I patched the runvdr command in the VDR package so it
detects a system running SuSE Linux 8.0 (-> /etc/SuSE-release) and then
does the "make insmod" with the parameter "SUSE80=1" automatically.

I tested the patches with vdr-1.0.4 and siemens_dvb-0.9.4-20020520 on a SuSE
Linux 8.0 Professional, it worked well (after installing gcc and so on).

You'll find both patches at:

Hope this solves the problem,
 LinVDR - The Digital Linux Videorecorder     

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