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[linux-dvb] Redhat 8.0 and Siemens DVB-S


i have downloaded with
cvs -d login
cvs -d co DVB

the driver for my Siemens DVB-s.
In the directory /usr/local/src/DVB the following lines are shown by 'make'.

make[1]:Wechsel in das Verzeichnis Verzeichnis
insmod input; \
insmod evdev; \
insmod dvb-ttpci.o;
using /lib/modules/2.4.18-14/kernel/drivers/input/input.o
insmod: a modul named input already exists
using /lib/moduls/2.4.18-14/kernel/drivers/input/evdev.o
dvb-ttpci.o: unresolved symbol input_register_device
dvb-ttpci.o: unresolved symbol video_register_device
dvb-ttpci.o: unresolved symbol video_unregister_device
dvb-ttpci.o: unresolved symbol input_unregister_device
dvb-ttpci.o: unresolved symbol input_event
make[1]: ***[insmod] Fehler 1
make[1]: Verlassen des verzeichnisses Verzeichnis
make : ***[insmod] Fehler 2

What does that mean ?

With 'lspci' the answer is:
00:0a.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7146 (rev 01)

How can i start my DVB-s card ?

Starting 'xawtv' the box tells me:
can't open /dev/video0
no video grabber device available !

Who can help me ?
Who can tell me, how i can found out, what revision my Siemens DVB-S has ?



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