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[linux-dvb] Re: UK Nova-t Tuning

At 14:30 18/03/2003, you wrote:
I've been banging my head against a wall all morning trying to get my
Nova-t Card working in Linux.

The modules have been compiled and load without any problems. I'm having
problems tuning with dvbtune. The frequencies that appear to work are:

578000000, 850000000, 713833333, 721833333, 690000000 and 538000000.

These were calculated from the channels on the itc webpage * 8 + 306 and
a bit of trial and error adding and taking away 166666. When I add these
to the output I get is:

I am guessing there should be channel information between the
transponder tags for xml2vdr?
Hi Tim,
I'm reposting a slightly updated response of what I sent over the list on the 3rd of March to Robert Watkins, because I think the same thing applies here.

dvbtune 0.3 works with the 0.9.4 driver and doesn't support setting the Modulation (QAM) or FEC on the command line. All but the ITV (oxf: 850000) and C5 (oxf: 713833) Transmitter went to FEC 3_4 and QAM 16 sometime late in 2002. Without the right settings you can tune and lock the frequency but you won't be able to get any useful data from the transmitter.

If you intend to stream / pipe to watch TV with Mplayer, dvbstream is probably the best tool available. Try using cvs dvbtune / dvbstream ( where you can specify these settings on the command line with DVB driver 1.0.0-pre2 ( ).

Hope this helps,

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