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[linux-dvb] Re: dvb_get_delay/timestamp ?

Sven Goethel wrote:
> in analog to snd_pcm_delay/snd_pcm_status_hstamp
> i really would appreciate if it would be able to read
> either one of these values outta the dvb device:
>         - the currently just played timestamp (a/v)
>         - the remaining frames to play (of last PlayVideo)
>         - ..
> i had a look at the impl. of the dvb's add_event/get_event,
> but in a pitty:
>         - only video format changes are propagated
>         - timestamp ain't filled in the event object ..
> why ?
> just to give plugins like bitstreamout a chance to stay in sync ;-)

Could you please elaborate on that? What does bitstreamout do,
and why does it need timestamps? And doesn't DMX_GET_STC do
what you want?


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