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[mpeg2] flame me - hauppauge pvr


currently i just got being a "proud" hauppauge pvr card owner, so i just 
inserted it, and tried getting it to run on linux.

- the card itself has nothing to do with this list, and its running ok after 
you configure the altera pga (using the kfir.c module from

now my problem is, that your kfir-driver uses (the hauppauge pvr has the kfir on
the board, too, as you may already know) only the pci-bus to interface to the
kfir chip. the modified kfir.c from is doing fine in 
configuring the pga, but it has much problems with irq-handling 

- when the kfir module is loaded (and InitIRQ is executed, which is normaly not done without hacking in the
driver), the tv overlay gets stuck (playing - stopping - playing etc) and so on

- trying to access /dev/video1 (or was it 0?) gives a registerdump in errorlog

i do like to change this, as i do have some experience around hardware programming, linux
and kernel-programming (not much, though)

is there a possibility to get some help in this list, esp. irq-handling for the kfir, and
getting the blockdevice initialised? the has already this project,
but since several months nothing happens there except "waiting for my hdd blabla", which
doesn't help me a lot....?

is the kfir chip capable of sharing interrupts with the bttv? or is there a need to
have only one activated, so kfir.o insmodded - no tv overlay, kfir removed - watching tv,
or is there a possibility to do both ( they do need to share busmastering dma, which should not
be possible in this configuration? i do not use windows to compare the capability of the windows

may be it is possible to change the kfir.c module a little bit, to detect if there is at least
the pci-kfir board or another one carrying the kfir on the back of another interface? what
code is interchangeable between both parts?

as i could see, most code is absolutely the same, except that they don't interface the kfir through
pci, but i2c/altera/bttv (the irq-handler, init and close operations need to be changed at least)?

or did i misunderstood the "pure" kfir-card, that it also uses the i2c to interface the kfir, but just
gets initialised per pci?

hoping to get much help,
	carsten busse

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