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[vdr] Re: Problems with mp3 Playback

On 01 Nov 2001 (Jens Bieler) wrote:

> I try to replay mp3's with Muempf's patch 0.9 for VDR and his patched mpg123,
> the compile was ok.
> But when i try to replay a File nothing hapens.
> There will be no errors in my logfile.
> I've got the message that the output, decode and input threads are started
> and directly ends.

Does "directly ends" mean, that vdr crashes?

If yes, it's very likely that this is cause by your locale settings. I
recently discovered that if you have set a none english locale
(more precisely, a locale that uses something else than "." a the
radix character) the mp3 player will crash on startup.

For some unknown reason the mpg123 task is started with the
default (english) locale, not matter which locale is set. This
causes some parsing errors with mpg123 output, which leads to a
divison by zero.

As a short term solution you could unset the locale before
starting vdr:

unset RC_LANG
unset LANG
unset LC_ALL
unset LC_CTYPE
unset LC_TIME

If vdr doesn't crashes, first make sure that mpg123 is in the
patch (eg. /usr/bin). Second, edit mp3.c, remove // in front of
#define DEBUG, recompile, watch the output.

Stefan Huelswitt  |

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