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[vdr] Re: Wired Remotecontroll

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 12:03:43 +0100, Axel Gruber <>

> I think about to build a Wired Remotecontrll (yes right - not IR or Wireless)
> Does anyone have a idea how to do this (Hardware, Interface, Software)
> I think a small Programm wich read the input of the remote and put 
> it to the SVDPR Interface
> of the VDR is possible....

Can you tell us why you want to do this?

> Is it possible to use 2 LIRC devices on 1 Machine

LIRC can receive any number of different IR codes from different remotes
without problem. I use this to control VDR from different remote brands
(Pronto and OFA). 
And multiple client programs can connect to LIRC concurrently. 
On the other side you will have a problem to start two concurrent lircd
because the lirc port will already be used. You may have to use a
different server port for the second lircd.


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