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[vdr] VDR, LIRC and the Hauppauge DVB-s 2.1 remote control


I recently found out, that the DVB-driver is supported by the latest
CVS version of lirc. I compiled the lirc modules of the DVB driver and
configured lirc to access the IR-receiver of my Hauppauge DVBs
Revision 2.1.

When I am using irrecord to get the remote control commands from the
Hauppauge remote control the detection of the toggle bit fails. Right
now my lirc-configuration looks as follows:

--- lircd.conf ---
begin remote

   name  HauppaugeVDR
   bits           8
   eps            30
   aeps          100

   one             0     0
   zero            0     0
   pre_data_bits   24
   pre_data       0x0
   gap          199970
   min_repeat      14
   toggle_bit      0

       begin codes
           Up                       0x0000000000000020
           Down                     0x0000000000000021
           Menu                     0x000000000000000F
           Ok                       0x000000000000002E
           Back                     0x000000000000000C
           Left                     0x0000000000000011
           Right                    0x0000000000000010
           Red                      0x000000000000000D
           Green                    0x0000000000000022
           Yellow                   0x000000000000001E
           Blue                     0x0000000000000026
           0                        0x0000000000000000
           1                        0x0000000000000001
           2                        0x0000000000000002
           3                        0x0000000000000003
           4                        0x0000000000000004
           5                        0x0000000000000005
           6                        0x0000000000000006
           7                        0x0000000000000007
           8                        0x0000000000000008
           9                        0x0000000000000009
       end codes

end remote
--- end of file ---

This seems basically to be the correct configuration, since I can use
the remote control to send VDR some commands. But using the Up and
Down buttons in any VDR On Screen Menu, which displays a list of
items, has some stange effect: the marked line moves up/down to the
end/beginning of the displayed list. Right now there seems to be no
way to access any other items shown in the list.

Has anyone managed to configure LIRC for the the Hauppauge remote
control so that everything works as expected?


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