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[vdr] Re: Multiple DVB cards?

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 23:20:39 +0100, "Reiner Rosin" <>

> Hi
> > how does multiple DVB card works?
> > I mean, I have a discq connected to 3 dishes, what would the gain be
> > with 2 or 3 (even 4) DVB-s cards?
> 1) Timeshifting ( > 2 DVBs)

 >= 2 DVBs :)

> 2) Parallel recording (# of cards = # of recordings)

Normally the primary card should be configured in a way that it is not
used for recording. Otherwise you can do no viewing and timeshifting. I
have the priority for recordings set to 90. So recording on the primary
will start only when I have selected this or a higher priority
explicitly. The priority for normal recordings defaults to 50 on my

> 3) You could do a multi-room setup with delivering tv/radio-signal to (# of
> cards) tv-sets
> (with one common film-base)

This would be only possible if you run separate VDRs for each card. But
then you loose the benefit of concurrent recording and/or timeshifting.
For true multi-room support I would use diskless clients with one DVB-s
card using NFS over 100 MBit ethernet.


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