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[vdr] Re: DVB-S NEXUS, Digital out to SPDIF-IN Soundcard

I can play dolby digital dvds (with vcr + aio patch) through my DVB-S output, 
the problem is that in order to hear dolby digital you must decode it and I 
don't know of any linux driver that does that in software ....
My setup is almost like the one described from Gernot (DVB-s 2.1 Digital Out ->
 Motherboard Digital in with custom cable -> Sound Card digital out -> Onkyo 
A/V amplifier that can decode Dolby Digital/AC/3 streams)
Gernot, you should be able to hear non AC3 sound from the analog outputs of 
your sound card _provided_ that:
- Your Digital In cable works
- You have enabled the digital input on your sound card (alsa mixer or oss 
- You have disabled the loopback on your soundcard (with loopback enabled 
whatever comes from the digital in is streamed to the digital out without 
being sent to the sound card processor).

With this setup I am currently able to use only one sound connection from my 
pc to the amplifier, I use the digital out of the soundcard  both for Mplayer 
and vdr .... it works ....



> "Gernot A. Weber" schrieb:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I tried to connect my DVB-S Nexus (Rev 2.1) to my Souncard. I built a
> > cable that connects the DVB's black connectort to the internal connector
> > of my soundcard. The problem is that I don't get any sound from my DVB
> > through the soundcard. Is there another way. It isn't enough to connect
> > the small Line Out of DVB to Line In of the soundcard, if I want to play
> > Dolby Digital, is it? Is there another way to make these connection? Maybe
> > I'm doing something completely wrong :))
> > I can play a file with mplayer and give the output to the soundcard
> > (including DD)...
> Well with my soundcard it worked, but however for Dolby Digital you need
> to do it differently since there is no output of DD on the DVB card.
> > Thanks
> > 
> >     Gernot
> Servus
>   Casandro
> > --
> > Gernot A. Weber
> >
> > 
> > Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff
> > on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it.
> > 
> >                               Linus Torvalds, after a hard drive crash

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