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[vdr] transcode Parameters

Hey List,

I'm just playing around with "transcode" and I wondered if somebody
hasn't already figured out sufficient parameters to convert a vdr
recording (~90 minutes) to fit on a single CD using divx 4 or 5 ?

All my efforts so far are ending up with way too large AVIs :-(

Currently I'm using the following script for conversion which works
fine for episodes of TV series (30 - 50 minutes) but not for a whole

Maybe anyone has some sufficient settings for transcode (or other
tools ?) for me / all of us ?

--------------- SNIP ---------------------------


if ! test -z "${1}" && ! test -z "${2}"

   # try to guess the resolution of the movie
   RES=$(mplayer ${1} -frames 0 2>&1 | grep VIDEO|  awk '{print $3}')

   RESX=$(echo ${RES} |cut -f 1 -d "x")
   RESY=$(echo ${RES} |cut -f 2 -d "x")

   H=$(expr ${RESY} "-" 288)
   H=$(expr ${H} "/" 32)

   W=$(expr ${RESX} "-" 352)
   W=$(expr ${W} "/" 32)

   # resize the movie to 352x288
   transcode -V -i "${1}" -B ${H},${W} -Q 5 -w 1050,250,100 -y divx5 \
             -o "${2}"

         echo "Usage: ${0} yourmovie.vdr output.avi"

--------------- SNAP ---------------------------

with best regards
Karsten Mueller
Softwaredevelopment / Keyaccount Manager
RATIO Entwicklungen GmbH
Admiralitaetstr. 59
20459 Hamburg

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