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[vdr] Re: set system time - no effect?

Nano wrote:
> Hello,
> i tried to get the current time via transponder (ARD) im my two DVB-s
> VDR.
> My system-clock is set to UTC.
> if i start vdr there is a message like:.. local time ... system time...
> so it´recognizes the differenz; but the right tine wia tranbsponder is
> not written into cmos!
> if i say "clock" and "date" there is allways a diference. date is right,
> but the cmos clock is wrong and vdr does
> not correct it ?!?! (also tried under root).
> Is there a certain time when it is written? (only with the epg scan
> every 5 hours?)

VDR only sets the system time, not the CMOS clock.
If you want to set the CMOS clock you should place a call to "hwclock --systohc"
into your shutdown script, or call it regularly in /etc/crontab.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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