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[vdr] Archiving on DVD?

Hi everybody,

When I heard about VDR I decided on assembling a system. There are a few
details I would like to work out before I start, though. The biggest
question is:

   How do I archive shows that I would like to keep?

Burning DivX onto a CD-R would be an option, but then a powerful (and noisy)
machine is needed for DivX encoding. In addition the DivX CDs cannot be
played back everywhere. S-VCD is more versatile, but offers less
recording-time per disc. The most versatile option would be to burn MPEG-2
onto DVD, which can then be played back in a standard consumer DVD-Player.

My question would be: What solution are you guys using? What are the
advantages/disadvantages? If you are using DVD, which one: DVD-R, DVD-RW, or
DVD+RW? Is any special software needed for DVD mastering? On the Mac I'd use
the iDVD application to master a disc, but it would be nice to have software
which is integrated into VDR.

Any info and/or help is greatly appreciated...


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