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[vdr] Re: MP3/MPlayer extention 0.4.4 available

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stefan Huelswitt" <>
Newsgroups: local.linux.vdr
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 11:07 AM
Subject: [vdr] MP3/MPlayer extention 0.4.4 available

> Hi,
> an updated version of my MP3/MPlayer extention is available from
> my homepage. Just an update to vdr 1.0.4
> 15.06.2002 - Version 0.4.4 (vdr 1.0.4)
> -Updated for vdr 1.0.4

Hello, I am curios if  someone is doing a modification to the MP3 Extension,
that output the music
to a soundcard. Because I only have one dvb-c card, i cant listen to the
music if i do record something.
Even if i had 2 card i could not record 2 movies at a time.

Is anyone else interrested in this?

I am considering doing this modification by myself, but before start i would
like to know if another one is doing this already, so i can save my time ;-)


PS: another thing i would like for the mp3 stuff is a random song mode which
plays all my mp3s in random order  plus a random album mode, playing songs
of albums in the album order , but choosing this albums randomly.

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