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[vdr] Re: VDR -> DVD

On Samstag, 15. Juni 2002 00:17, you wrote:
> Hello list,
> I know this has been ask a few times but I still don't get good results.
> I use PVAStrumento and then TMPGEnc to convert the vdr files to MPEG2.
> Than I use Videopack 5 to do the authoring. When I replay the result on
> my VDR or Philips DVD Player I get interlacing effects such as ghosting.
> And so the quality is quite bad.
> Take a look at and you will
> see what I mean.
> Can someone tell me how to get rid of these effects and produce high
> quality DVDs out of VDR files (without using deinterlacer)?
maybe you have chosen the wrong field order in TMPGEnc. PVAStrumento should 
give you the right value when clicking "info".
The ghosting effect has nothing to do with this and comes directly from the 
broadcaster. Remember that animations like The Simpsons are normally created 
with 15fps. It gets electronically interpolated to 30fps for NTSC Broadcast 
and the 30fps signal ist interpolated to 25fps for PAL broadcast.



Andreas Gebel                                   _._     _,-'""`-._   Tel: 0345/6782511        (,-.`._,'(       |\`-/|
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