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[vdr] MP3/MPlayer extention 0.5.3 (development) available

a new development release of my MP3/MPlayer extention is
available from my homepage. The main feature from this release is
local CDDB/FreeDB support.

The CDDB files have to life on your harddisc. There is no remote
lookup. Use some other tool to get the description files. You can
use the commandline option -B/--cddb to give the path to your
CDDB files. You can create arbitrary subdirectories in this path
(usually one level with genre).

If there is big demand for remote CDDB lookup (via i-net), I
could implement a simple script interface: if no local CDDB
information is found a script (e.g. is called with the
discid as argument. The script would have to perform the task of
connecting to a CDDB/FreeDB server, download the description and
store it to harddisc. After the script has finished, the local
lookup is repeated to grab the new description.

Please let me know, if you have CDDB files which aren't parsed
correctly. I'll try to fix the parser, but as there are many
broken creator programs out there, it may be impossible to fix it
without breaking something else.

This is still a development release, but I have finished most of
the thing I planed for this stage. I think, the next release will
be kind of a release candidate. As the feedback from the previous
development releases was poor, I'm uncertain about if all works
fine or if no one has tried the development code. So, if you have
tried the code sucessfully or not, please drop me a note.

16.06.2002 - Version 0.5.3 development (vdr 1.0.4)
-Updated for vdr 1.0.4
-Reverted info cache behaviour for files on non-removable media.
-Added CDDB support for CD-Audio (local lookup only). Use the
 commandline option -B/--cddb to give the path to your
 CDDB-files (default is /var/lib/cddb). CDDB usage can be
 enabled/disabled via setup menu. Please report CDDB-files which
 aren't parsed correctly.
-Throtteling the background scanner if the audio buffer runs low.

Stefan Huelswitt  |

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