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[vdr] Re: mp3-patch capable of playing streams?

On 18 Jun 2002 "Sebastian Herp" <> wrote:

> I'm a happy user of Stefan's mp3-patch. Great work, but wouldn't it be even
> better if the extension could play mp3-streams such as one can get on
> or ? Currently I have to use my other
> computer for that task, but since my vdr-box is connected to the internet it
> would make sense to let this box do it. So my question is: is the patch
> already capable of playing those streams and if yes, how?

Currently you can't do that.

In the development branch (see recent announcement) I'm making an
efford to allow other audio codes. In theory you can add any kind
of codec, but I think there are some limitations:
-The start point for playback must be something like a file which
is selectable from the browser/playlist (but you could imagine a
file containing an URL which is resolved by the audio codec).
-You must provide a decoding engine, preferably as a shared
library, which gives access to the decoded pcm data (freshmeat
can be a good starting point for finding one).

This these two things, the rest wouldn't be much work I think.

If you are interested in doing some work on it, feel free to
contact me for further help.

Stefan Huelswitt  |

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