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[vdr] Re: AC3-Sound


> As I read in various documents, I need an extra soundcard with AC3 surround
> abilities. Is this still  necessary with my Hauppauge Nexus-S card? Even if
> it has a S/PDIF-out line?

If you want to watch DD-movies live you have to buy a soundcard. If you
only want to replay recorded movies with DD than you only have to apply a
patch (included in AIO) and you are done.

> In case I need a card,  I plan to buy a Creative SondBlaster Live Player 5.1
> (35 ¤). My question: is this a good choice? Does it work well with my Linux
> system  and is there a coaxial S/PDIF in-line? How should I connect my
> dvb-card to this card?

I bought a WinFast 4x Sound last year. It was about DM 70.-- including an
optical cable. I'm not sure whether it is still available (got it from As far as I know the Soundblaster Live is not so easy to
use - someone please correct me, if I'm wrong. The C-Media chips (like on
my soundcard) are known as well supported (Multimedia audio controller:
C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev 10)).

Connecting depends on your wishes. For replaying it is enough to connect
DVB-S digital out to your amplifier. For live DD-watching you have to
connect your soundcard to the amplifier. And if you don't want to change
cables each time, you should loop DVB-S digital out through your
soundcard. There is a good HOWTO on:

Hope that helps,


Gernot A. Weber

Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff
on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it.

                              Linus Torvalds, after a hard drive crash

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