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[vdr] Re: temp of card Schoeller)  22.06.02 15:11

Once upon a time Johannes Schoeller shaped the electrons to say...

>hi all!

>once again (maybe bec of the HOT weather):

>has anyone of you ever MEASURED the temp of the dvb-s card?

Some time ago i measured the temp of the slot.
See mailing list.

IIRC 36C was too much for stable opperation.

>i mean the surface of the mpeg-chip (or whatever this chip
>that.s covered by the metal "clamp") does.

On Non-1.3 board that "clamp" does not touch the chip
below at all! The is 2mm air between. That's NO fault, because 
the newer chip dissipates less power.

>i installed a heat sink and a fan nearby, 

That 80mm device on the right?
That's not "near by" ;-)
Which way do you hope the air will flow?
Where does the "fresh" air come into the box?
Where should it leave?
How can it flow over the cooler?

Maybe it'll help if you remove the slot left of the DVB
and ensure that fresh air is coming into the case.

>but temp is still
>about 55-60 degrees.

Do you have any problems?

I attached an extra fan 40mm fan running with 7V on top of the 
cards blowing fresh air directly between the (1.3) tuners: 
The temperature of the slot became "normal" and the tuning problems

Maybe Haupauge is right?
I remember a talk to Motorola, once which memory mapping unit
became almost 100C hot:
"That's Ok. That's normal for bipolar technique used. 
Call us if you measure 150C..."


Obvious that's a 1.3 card.
Rainer---<=====>                         Vertraulich
         <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------

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