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[vdr] Re: Horizontal channels again

Am Mon, 2002-06-24 um 23.38 schrieb Steffen Koch:
> Now it's me.
> I had some HDD problem so I turned off my vdr machine to inspect it..
> Booted again (only 2 minutes later), and then vdr restarted every few
> seconds. I found out that it was trying to record a timer on a
> horizontal channel and couldn't tune to that channel. I deactivated the
> timer and all was well (ok only the restarts were gone, still no hor.
> channel). What can I do? I tried a third DVB-S card and the other two
> cables coming from the roof. No chance.
> I wonder because it was working only five minutes earlier. I want to
> record some channels tommorow on hor. pol. ;-((
> pls. someone help me...

Does your multiswitch work correctly? Did you test with a receiver?


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