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[vdr] Re: Not enough keys on haupauge remote

Alexander Asteroth wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using a haupauge remote with lirc to control my vdr. Since it has
> not enough keys, I would like to use red and green in normal mode to
> control the volume. Is this possible? I tried to modify some code but
> all modifications where globally (in all modes).
> Any hint?
> Alex
> ____________________________________________________________
> Dr. Alexander Asteroth        email:
> Universität Bonn              www:
> Inst. f. Informatik, Abt. I
> Roemerstr. 164                Tel.         (+49) 228 73 4337
> 53117 Bonn Germany            Fax.:        (+49) 228 73 4321

Hi all,
I used the same remote for a long time but without the "blue" key 'cause 
not enough "keys" on the original remote controler.
Yesterday, i bought an universal remote controleur "OneForAll / Three in 
one" and i use the DVD control to control vdr (DVD,MP3,...) without any PB.
Can you buy this type of remotecontorler ? It's funny 'cause now only 
one remote is necessery.


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