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[vdr] Re: EPG Problem

Richard Scobie wrote:
> I have just put a VDR system together here in New Zealand using a Nexus
> card and am very pleased with the result. Thanks to all who have
> contributed.
> Currently I am dual booting between Windows and Linux as I get it set
> up. The EPG data displays correctly under Win 98 but when using VDR, the
>    Title field displays "Coding according to character table 1" for all
> entries. As far as my very limited coding knowledge goes, this message
> comes from libdtv. Here is a short section of
> E 26436 1032607200 3300 50
> T Coding according to character table 1
> S Mannion and Ella try to save a young boy from his corrupt foster care
> father who participates in the system only for money, and Temple ponders
> his future with fiancee Giselle.
> e
> E 26464 1032610500 4500 50
> T Coding according to character table 1
> S We count down the Top 12 videos as voted for by the viewer, we play
> the new releases of the week, plus videos from bands we think you should
> know about. Hosted by Joe Cotton.
> Having spent some time looking through the VDR list archive, it seems
> EPG compatibility problems are not uncommon so I was wondering if
> someone could help pinpoint the problem, as I have contacts with the
> broadcaster concerned. This entry is in the log also:
> Sep 18 18:06:54 tx vdr[739]: =====================
> Sep 18 18:06:54 tx vdr[739]: Fix^IHits^IChannels
> Sep 18 18:06:54 tx vdr[739]: 1^I1106^ITV1, TV2
> Sep 18 18:06:54 tx vdr[739]: 3^I5277
> Sep 18 18:06:54 tx vdr[739]: =====================
> Software: vdr 1.0.4 and siemens_dvb-0.9.4-2002-05-20 both unpatched.

The code in libdtv/libsi/si_parser.c, function siGetDescriptorText() explicitly
filters out character table 0x05. I'm not sure about what all this means, but for
a quick try you could change the line

   if (*Buffer == 0x05 || (*Buffer >= 0x20 && *Buffer <= 0xff))


   if (*Buffer == 0x05 || *Buffer == 0x01 || (*Buffer >= 0x20 && *Buffer <= 0xff))

and see what happens.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
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