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[vdr] Re: Bug, or just me?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dennis" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 10:58 AM
Subject: [vdr] Bug, or just me?

When recording however (live record, not through a timer), there are 2 vdr 
threads which immediately eat up 50% of CPU time each, causing major 
distortions in the "live" viewing as well as in the recording.

this normal : its an experimental patch :)

Note, I had about 1 gb left, and the low disk space warning appeared 
throughout the recording process (don't know if that makes a difference).
again this is normal and does not affect the recording 
what you should care of is always to leave some space in your disk in order
not to cause a major crash on your /dev/hdx partition (I assume u use the main linux partition)
I have installed VDR on a 4.3 gig HD currently I still have 14 minutes left of recording
I will not exced 10 mn :)

I'm having some weird issues with dvbtune as well, so it could be caused by 
something else, but just curious as to wether this is normal or not :-)
I've seen reports of people using a 100MHz recording and playing back over 
ethernet, with no problems.

Best regards,

mehdi r.f

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