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[vdr] Announcement: vdr2divx 1.6.0 pre1


today i like to announce a new version of my vdr2divx scripts.
You can download the tar archive at

What's new / what has changed / why just another vesion jump ?

Okay, this release i have added some new features that's why i decided to make 
another version jump to 1.6.0 !
You might also notice that i haven't called it beta, but pre1 instead, which i 
find more suitable.

The new features concentrate on further automation of the conversion process 
for tv series, which i record a lot - if you only record movies, i think you 
won't have any advantage of these:
+ Subdirectory support for converted series
+ automatic renaming of episodes with external plugins
+ destination directories are finally created if needed (was requested long 
+ i have completely rewritten the name finding process - which you hopefully 
won't notice :-)

I think i have to explain the first 2 enhancements a little further since 
there is no docs yet:

Subdirectories for the converted files are supported depending on the series 
name (not the episode name). To achieve this i introduce another config file 
named 2divx.conf.dirnames, which contains the series names and the 
Destination directory name. Run setup to create an example file - For details 
read comments in 2divx.conf.dirnames itself.

The automatic renaming of episodes does the following: It tries to look up the 
episode number in a list, you provide, and renames the file to contain this 
number !
For example, you record a episode of Star Trek named "Das letzte seiner Art", 
then 2divx can look up the episode number (1x01) in a text file you provide 
and automatically rename the destination to "1x01_Das_letzte_seiner_Art.avi" 
or "StarTrek1x01_Das_letzte_seiner_Art.avi" ...
This is achieved with an external plugin you might notice in the plugin 
directory !
The one i have written plugins/ is just an example and far away 
from being perfect - feel free to write your own !
See 2divx.conf.epsnames how the plugins are invoked depending on the series 
name - you can use several parameters for your own plugin here - the last one 
is always the episode name as it comes from EPG (VDR).

With these two enhancements it's rather easy to record series and 
automatically have them sorted into subdirs with accurate naming ! I hope you 
like these enhancements, too - if not, simply don't use them :-)

Any suggestions/feedback greatly appreciated


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