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[vdr] automatic startup of vdr


With an earlyer version of vdr i had it started trough inittab with a 
line like:

vdr:4:respawn:/usr/local/bin/vdr --terminal=/dev/tty1 -v /opt/video

this is IMHO the most elegant way. the problem is: how to load the DVB 
drivers? Following lines in /etc/modules.conf used to work:

alias char-major-81     videodev
alias char-major-81-0   dvb
alias char-major-250    dvb
options dvb             init_chan=2 pids_off=0
options saa7146_core    mode=0
below saa7146_core     tuner tda8083 L64781 stv0299 VES1893 VES1820
above saa7146_core     saa7146_v4l

unfortunately this seems to be broken. lsmod shows that all drivers are 
loaded, but when the firmware should get started and tune to ntv the 
screen stays black.

Can somebody please help me?



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