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[vdr] Re: vdr-1.1.12 Configuration of buttons on RC

sschmidt wrote:
> >> Then it would be nice to define Blocks of keys which always work like
> >play,
> >> ffwd, replay, pause, stop, channel up, channel down....
> >
> >Of course _all_ dedicated keys will work always.
> >
> >> I have really enough keys on my rc and why should'nt i use them? I know
> >> that's difficult to handle for people with rc's with a limited count of
> >> Knöppkes like the original rc from hauppauge. :-)
> >
> >That's why VDR is completely controllable with a very small set of keys
> ;-)
> >
> >> Maybe ther should be a more general solution for the rc's.
> >
> >Why? What's wrong with the way it is - plus "dedicated keys"??
> >
> >Klaus
> Ok, lets say i have a really big rc with lots of buttons. And let's also
> say i'm playing mp3's. Now there is the possibility to scroll through the
> list of mp3's and have as Background the life view of a station. Maybe the
> tv station does not send what i want to see as background. (zapping until i
> find some interesting) Now i need a dedicated key for up and down and also
> for channel up and down.

"Up" and "Down" is already there, and "Channel+/-" will come.

> But in file play mode i need then another set of up and down or play and
> stop buttons.

There will be dedicated "Play" and "Stop" buttons. It will be up to the player
to decide whether it supports the "simple" remote controls and reacts on "Down"
with pause, or whether it *requires* your RC to have a dedicated "Pause" button because it
needs the "Down" button for other purposes. VDR's own player will continue to support
RCs with only a small number of keys.

> What i mean is that you will end up with a big set of exception rules for
> everybody need and nobody will really be lucky. Or you have to play god and
> to define a fixed set of keys.

The number of possible functions is not infinite. If you take all remote controls
that are on the market you'll probably end up with a few tens of keys. VDR can be
made to "know" all these keys and the various program parts or plugins can react
on them as necessary.

> Hmm, that's why i'm not lucky with the handling as it is. Also no
> possibility to define macros like a setup button and so on.

This will also come - just give me a little time. So far I've given the really
important things higher priority ;-) 

> I think mapping of different buttons to same actions does not help and
> dedicated keys are to limiting.

Well, then how else should it be done? There's no use in defining thousands of
macros for every single program or plugin function that somebody might ever be
wanting to put on a key of his remote control. That would mean that with every new
plugin that comes up, the set of macros would have to be extended. I see absolutely
no sense in having things like "PauseMP3", "PauseDVD" etc. etc. There is only one
player active at a time, and that's the one that should react on "Pause".

As for starting things, I'll define several additional keys that have no
particular function, but can be used to assign macros to, like "Start plugin 'xyz'".
The meaning of the color buttons in normal viewing mode will also be assignable
that way.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:

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