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[vdr] Re: OT: DVD-R best price in euroland

> I am about to buy a pioneer A04 DVD-RW drive (or maybe the new SONY
> DRU500 if it is supported in linux).

> In France, DVD-R price is really high. Best price I found was about 6
> euros each.I found some UK sites with much better prices.

> I know some of you are already using DVD-R for vdr files backup. What is
> the best price (for good media type) you found in UK/Germany or more
> generally in euroland ?

Hi i use a Pioneer A03 and only "Princo" DVD-Rīs since over 1 Year.
No Problems at all (Readable at all DVD-ROM Devices i own (my brother
has a very cheap A-OPEN wich is also able to read this DVD-Rīs)

Here a local Dealer sell this DVD-Rīs for 2,5 Euro (with Case)
i have asked and i would get them for 2,3 Euro if i buy 100...

I know there are many peple who say that Princo are bad - i also
buyed 40 Vivastar (some time ago) also no Problem ......

I never had a burndout disk since i use This Writer !!!
(only 4 until i tryed to run it with a SCSI/IDE Converter)

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