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[vdr] Re: setting the time

On Thursday 10 October 2002 13:10, Benkesch Harry-Roy wrote:
> Hello,
> now that I have my vdr running :-)
> I wonder how to set the time.
> The time on my vdr is 2 hours ahead.
> What is the right way to set it to the correct time?
> Thx,
> Harry

That's just funny!! Think of all the people with regular VCR's that are 
flashing "12:00", and now with a VDR it's still wrong !! :-)

VDR uses your system clock, so if you adjust the time on your VDR machine the 
VDR program will pick it up properly.

You can use ntpdate if you have a permanent connection, but I believe VDR can 
actually sync the clock with the time signal received by the DVB card! I 
haven't tried that, but if your broadcaster sends the right time, it might be 
easy street from there on :)

Otherwise look into the "date" and "hwclock" commands, if your clock always 
drifts a lot remove "/etc/adjtime" and start with a fresh one, but there is a 
good HOWTO on time keeping.

If you can though, just sync using ntpdate or the DVB stuff :-)


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