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[vdr] Re: vdr: Websites for Beginners??

----- Original Message -----
From: "fruit" <>
To: <>

Hi, Andy.

> I've been watching UK DVB-t using a Nova-t for around 12 months now. All
> you need is the DVB drivers, dvbstream and mplayer on a 400-500MHz
> Mplayer will also use h/ware decode if you have a Hollywood/dxr3.

I think I understand. Are you saying that one can use the Nova-t *without*
hardware decoding? If so, then I guess this would almost lead me back to my
original enquiry - where do I go for advice on how to do this! (Although I
would admit that such discussion might not best be held in a "vdr" forum!)

> > All is not lost however. I've placed a special order with Hauppauge in
> > London for a DVB-t fully-featured card.

I was quoted about £199 plus delivery.

> Personally I opted for a cheap DVB-s card from ebay.

I'd thought that I would not do this. My reasoning is that since dismantling
my motorised dish I would be unable to use the card to its full purpose (it
being no use for B-Sky-B of course) and that it is my aim to build a
two-card box solely for UK DTT - ie being able to view one DTT broadcast and
simultaneously record another.

Thanks for you advice.


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