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[vdr] Re: VDR developer version 1.1.13

On Sun, Oct 13, 2002 at 11:34:40PM +0200, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

> > Just a question: is it now possible to use simultaneously KBD/LIRC and
> > SVDR?
> Not "officially", but you could do the following to get there:
> - remove the line
>   #elif defined(REMOTE_KBD)
>   from vdr.c
> - add the line
>   #define REMOTE_KBD 1
>   to the beginning of the files osd.c and remote.h
> - make REMOTE=LIRC as usual
> I haven't tested this, but I would expect it to work.

Great: I'll give a try ;-))

Thank you very much,

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