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[vdr] Re: OT: Mail Client for this list?

Am Mittwoch 16 Oktober 2002 4:38 nachmittags/abends 
schrieben Sie:
> Hi,
> My mail client (Kmail) doesn't deal with threads
> properly. (not at all) I assume there must be mail
> clients that can sort them similarly to news group
> readers. Can anyone give me a recommandation?
> Thanks
> Peter

I use kmail 1.4.3, KDE 3.0.4. With the Menu /Folder/Thread 
Messages you get the mails sorted analog to news groups.

But maybe this one:
However, the problem is, that not all replies are made as 
they should be. So sometimes you get several threads for 
just one topic. It was discussed here before.

@all: This should be the same with all the other clients?

CU Norbert

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and correcting the RE: in the subject.
* Norbert Schmidt - D-47443 Moers - 

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