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[vdr] Re: [linux-dvb] Re: Problems using two Hauppauge DVB-S-Cardsinonecomputer possible?

Dennis Noordsij wrote:

>Also, if you can, run 2 xawtv windows, one for /dev/video0 and one for 
>/dev/video1, let's you see what is going on. 
This is difficult, the is no X installed, no monitor
and no keyboard attached.

>(I had some cable signal 
>problems before which let both cards tune properly, but only card really get 
>a good video stream, so the other would record garbage). Put the 2 xawtv's 
>next to each other, VDR menu will be in one of them, and you can instantly 
>see what is going on :)

The strange thing is that vdr-1.0.4 with the
dvb 2002-04-01 drivers worked.


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