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[vdr] Re: OSD position

Helmut Auer wrote:
> >
> >
> >Hi this is very bice, but what about making it more flexible by adding
> >the following setup options instad of a "type" filed which nobody can
> >remember what was what?
> >
> >
> >The setup options could be something like:
> >Show "Episodename"
> >Show "Episodename" only for 1st entry
> >Number of EPG Entries to Display
> >...
> >
> >
> It was just a quick shot to get what we want :-)
> Without making it too complicated we could use:
> Number of Lines for "zapping info" ( what is the correct name for this
> Klaus ??? )

Well, it is referred to as the "channel info".

> and when set to 0 the default is used ( like now )
> 1 shows only the current program.
> 2 for the current program and the description line
> 3 for the current program, its description line, and the next program
> 4 for the current program, its description line, the next program and
> its description.
> That should be enough.

The function that actually draws the channel display will soon be made virtual,
so a plugin can implement its own ideas of how this should look.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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