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[vdr] Re: AW: Re: mix Nexus TV out with GFX card TV out ?

On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 13:15:52 +0200
"Rene Bartsch" <> wrote:

> > > You can limit resolution, colour and vertikal or horizontal frequencies
> by
> > > the framebuffer-settings (even in the kernel at booting) in Linux.
> > > So you don't have to waste money for a VGA2TV-box.
Or you have an old VGA card which automatically changes the output to
PAL/NTSC if there is no Monitor connected. That is, if you can put your hands 
on such card like me, the cheapest solution.

> > I'm not sure that all gfx card support that. Moreover, there is still 2
> > problems, maybe you have awser :
> > 1) with this solution , at reboot,  the TV might be dammaged as the PC
> will
> > output VGA frequencies when out of linux
> Use bandpasses in the RGB-lines!
Not the RGB are killing your TV but the syncing signals. :-)

> DivX have a lot of different resolutions an they never fit to your
> VGA-settings.
> MPlayer will have to resize anyway. But a PII400 should do it.
Afaik scling is not as time consuming as decoding. So i think also that a
P@400 should fit your needs. But i have to admit that i have not tried with 

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