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[vdr] Re: IR-Remote '8 in 1 - learning' at ALDI Sued - Thursday

Matthias Fechner wrote:

> I'am using the aux modus and the Loewe Control 150 TV, it is working
> fine, only the volume button isn't working, but i used other buttons.
> Maybe i must change the lircfile.

Are you writing about the new model? There is no Code 150.
I assumed a typo and tested 051. But this on is not good, because it 
sends the same signals for the drive control and the color-buttons.

The best one I figured out right now is VCR Philips 336. But some keys 
are still left.

begin remote

   name  RC-5.conf.conf
   bits           13
   eps            30
   aeps          100

   one           889   889
   zero          889   889
   plead         889
   gap          113792
   min_repeat      1
   toggle_bit      2

   frequency    36000
   duty_cycle   50

       begin codes
           0                        0x0000000000001140
           1                        0x0000000000001141
           2                        0x0000000000001142
           3                        0x0000000000001143
           4                        0x0000000000001144
           5                        0x0000000000001145
           6                        0x0000000000001146
           7                        0x0000000000001147
           8                        0x0000000000001148
           9                        0x0000000000001149

           av                       0x000000000000017D
           enter                    0x000000000000114A

           up                       0x0000000000000170
           down                     0x0000000000000171
           left                     0x000000000000116F
           right                    0x0000000000001169

           ok                       0x000000000000114B

           menu                     0x000000000000117C
           exit                     0x0000000000001171
           rew                      0x000000000000116C
           play                     0x0000000000001175
           forwd                    0x000000000000116E
           pause                    0x0000000000001176
           stop                     0x0000000000001176
           rec                      0x0000000000001177

           red                      0x000000000000016B
           green                    0x000000000000016C
           yellow                   0x000000000000016D
           blue                     0x000000000000016E
           magenta                  0x0000000000001168

           channel_up               0x0000000000001160
           channel_down             0x0000000000001161
           info                     0x000000000000114F
           shift_mute               0x000000000000100D

       end codes

end remote


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