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[vdr] Re: OT: ARD-Onlinekanal

Thomas Glomann wrote:
> ...
> Will there ever be an 'OpenTV compliant decoder' or MHP compliant decoder
> (which might be identical?) integrated into VDR ?
> MHP is an open standard so theoretically it is just a matter of hard work and
> time to code and integrate such a decoder into VDR.
> MHP support is a crucial part in creating a full featured settop box so I hope
> somebody will do the job soon ;)

IMHO that whole OpenTV, MHP or whatever stuff is worthless crap that only has one
single goal: making the viewer buy stuff or otherwise spend money.

I definitely, absolutely, positively have no plans of integrating anything like that.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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