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[vdr] Receiver and Player at the same time

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Subject: Receiver and Player at the same time
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 23:51:01 +0200
From: Sascha Volkenandt <>

Dear PlugIn-Developers;),

I want to write a player-type plugin which reads data from a ts stream in the
background. For that I start a player-plugin, which can make output, no
It shows what it is expected to show.

In Activate() of the player object, I start a receiver object which should
read the data from the stream. Following Problems:

My receiver doesn't receive anything.

Then I tried to switch to the same channel again, second param to "true" to
initiate Transfer-Mode, before creating the receiver. When I do that the call
to SwitchChannel(...) de-activates my player again, but the receiver

And another thing:
When I create the receiver thing and destruct it when the player is
the receiver isn't detached, therefore my processing thread doesn't end.
When i Detach() the receiver-Object myself, I get several segfaults later on.

The plan is to activate a plugin, show a black screen first, then switch
through some channels to take "screenshots" of them in the background
(this should only be possible with a timeshift-capable version I guess)
to display those screenshots in the plugin. The plan is to create a plugin
which, let's say, switches to a channel, wait until it receives a full
stores it and switches to the next channel. While doing this, it creates
thumbnails of the I-Frames and Displays them on-screen. After 8 thumbnails
are present, it restarts at the first one and so on. From these 8 thumbnails,
you could select a channel then (like the mosaic channels but self-generated
to have Mosaics for RTL, Sat1Pro7 and so on, too).

This should be possible, since recording a channel and replaying something
is possible, too. What I need is switching Transponders while replaying
my generated output in a plugin.

Thanks in advance for anyone's help,
Sascha Volkenandt



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