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[vdr] Re: Proposal: cutting out advertising automatically

On Tue, Oct 22, 2002 at 11:10:53AM +0200, Christian Pesch wrote:
> Harald Milz wrote:
> >2. We could analyze the MPEG-2 data stream for a number of sensible
> >criteria (sender logo present; average loudness; ratio of scene change;
> >etc, anything else?, 
> >
> Cinema movies are usually recorded at 24 frames per second
> and brought to 25 frames per second by a process whose
> name I forgot. There may be a frame each second which is
> shown twice. As opposed to that, advertising for tv is produced
> with 25 frames per second. This could be a hint, too.


You won't have 2 "identical" I-Frames. You will (at best) have a I-Frame
with a "null" Delta after it.

But in about 90% of the cases the first of the double-images is a Delta
to the frame before the first and then a "null"-delta for the second

But in "realtity" there is nothing like a "null"-delta. The second
wouldn't be a "null"-delta because the second-delta would be used to
improve the picture-quality of the first image.

And the last case is where the second image is an I-Frame and the first
a delta to the 11 Frames before.

To say it a bit more clear. The processing-power & time(!) you need for
automaticaly "analyzing" the data is much higher then the time your
brain needs to accomplish this task. When computesr get to the pint
where they reach graphical-processing-power of a human brain (+K.I.) you
can think about such program again, but before i don't think it can be
accomplised in a "fail safe"-maner. (And anything other than "fail safe"
would not be acceptable for myself. OK, other people accept 90-95%
solutions, but for this task i would want a 100% solution.)

P.S.: A bit "simplified" the reality is much more complex(tm).

Bis denn

Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as 
bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No, the Real Programmer
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