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[vdr] Re: set-up for vdr-box wrote:
> hi all,
> i have been using vdr for a while now and i think it is a 
> really great prog.
> the only problem i have is that i don't have a tv. right now 
> i am using a
> rev 1.3 card and display the output via xawtv. that works 
> quiet ok, but
> sometimes the system hangs while shutting down (problem with x).
> now i was thinking about using a dxr3 card. i am not 100% sure if that
> will work, that is why i am asking for your advice. is it 
> really possible
> to get the output of vdr on the vga-out of the dxr3-card without using
> xfree86? if yes, are there any disadvantages and advantages, 
> beside that i
> don't need to run x?
> if that all works, does it make any difference, if i use a Nexus or
> Nova-DVB card? i mean about time-shifting, as far as i understand it
> won't.


IIRC and AFAIK the vga out of the Hollywood Plus (it's the same card as
the dxr3 but from the original manufacturer) is only a loop throug with
overlay, so theoretically you could get it to work, but i seriously
doubt that it will work right away with existing software...
But on the other hand you should ask the guy (IIRC it is Andreas
Schultz) that wrote/is writing the dxr3 plugin...

Cu Ulrich

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